The lineTEC EP resins are two-component epoxy resins specially formulated for the rehabilitation of pipes with our liners.

Service life of > 50 years

  • Outstanding static values
  • High adhesion, no shrinkage
  • Very abrasion resistant and chemical resistant
  • UV resistant pigmentation

User friendly mixing ratio

  • Balanced processing and curing times
  • Good impregnation properties
  • No odour
  • Environmentally neutral when cured

lineTEC EP 70

Application: Domestic Pipe Rehabilitation
DIBt: Z-42.03-416
Mixing ration: 100/20
Processing time: 60 min (15°C)
Curing time: 20°C 27 h / 55° 150 min. / 70° 50 min.*

lineTEC EP 70 HT

Application: Inhouse and Domestic Pipe Rehabilitation with higher thermal load

DIBt: Z-42. 3-530
Mixing ration: 100/20
Processing time: 55 Min (15°C)
Curing time: 20°C 27 h / 55° 150 min. / 70° 50 min.*
HDT: 93,5°C

lineTEC EP 180

Application: Main sewer pipes
DIBt: Z-42. 3.434
Mixing ration: 100/25
Processing time: 140 Min (15°C)
Curing time: 55° 6 h / 70° 2 h*

lineTEC EP 500

Application: Main sewer pipes
Mixing ration: 100/42
Processing time: 400 Min (15°C)
Curing time: 55° 18 h / 70° 6 h*

* When installing the liner please note the curing times in the installation manual.